Gun Violence
A Public Health Crisis?
This course is intended to explore the intersections of politics, science, and public opinion as facets of public health. To evaluate these intersections in detail, this class will involve engaging in research and discussion to analyze how gun violence in the United States is considered a public health crisis.
Arthi A; Kelly F; Annie T
Urban-Rural Divide
in the U.S. Healthcare System
This course is intended to explore the context and cause of the Urban-Rural healthcare divide. We will discuss and analyze the major socioeconomic factors that hold influence on rural health disparities in the United States in order to identify root causes of this public health crisis.
Caitlin P; Manuela U; Lauren L; Akash Ray
The Mask Debate
How Wearing Facemasks Became Political
To wear a mask or to not wear a mask? That is the question. Join us in talking about how COVID-19 and the concept of wearing a mask have become political!
Darshana S; Harshita G; Shaista S